Eagle Scout Medal

Eagles Nest
Golden Gate Area Council

2020 Annual Recognition Dinner Honors

Congratulations to all of the award recipients last night at the first Annual Recognition Dinner for the Golden Gate Area Council.

The NESA Committee was extremely excited to have the opportunity to contribute to the awardees. The National Eagle Scout Association, NESA, annually tasks each council committee with recognizing members of their communities with the NESA Outstanding Eagle Scout Award (NOESA) and the Adams Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year Award.

NESA Outstanding Eagle Scout Award (NOESA)

The NESA Outstanding Eagle Scout Award (NOESA) was established during the BSA’s 100th Anniversary in 2010. The award was created to recognize notable Eagle Scouts who had either performed distinguished service at the local, state, or regional level or who were known nationally, but had not yet met the 25-year tenure as an Eagle for the Distinguished Eagle Scout Award. Often, worthy candidates for the NOESA have inspired others through their actions and have devoted a lifetime to their profession, avocation, community, and beliefs, at great sacrifice to themselves and their families.

This years honorees were:

  • Benjamin Daly – 2008, Troop 911, Pleasanton, Calif.
  • Larry Teshara – 1959, Troop 340, San Francisco Council
  • Steven L Rodriggs – 1980, Troop 186, Newark, Calif.
  • Steven R. Polcyn -1955, Troop 642, Chicago, Ill.
  • Jack Thompson – 1967, Troop 234, Mt Kisco, N.Y.
  • Frank Yoke – 1973, Troop 4, Parkersburg, W. Va.
    Eagle Scout / Eagle Class / Unit / Location
Learn more about award and view previous recipients.

Adams Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year Award

The National Eagle Scout Association established the Glenn A. and Melinda W. Adams national Eagle Scout service project of the year award (ESSPY) to recognize valuable service of an exceptional nature by an Eagle Scout candidate to a religious institution, a school, community or other entity through completion of an Eagle Scout project.

The 2020 recipient of the ESSPY was Adithya Palle from Troop 110 in the Mission Peak district.

This project is a primitive Native-American strut at Tule Ponds at Tyson Lagoon (a site developed to educate students in the health of the watershed of the San Francisco Bay). The project involves cutting willow wood from the frame, setting it in the ground, securing the frame and attaching four layers of tule thatching.

The Tule house will be a popular attraction that teaches visitors about Native American life. Tule Ponds had on that blew down. Project research resulted in a strong tule house that children and visitors can enjoy for year to come. The house captures a relic of the past and is an attraction displayed so children who visit on school field trips and adults can learn about the Native American lifestyle.

Adithya’s Project Summary
Learn more about award and view previous recipients.

Some articles on this website feature Eagle Scouts’ names in bold with years, abbreviations, and acronyms after them. The numbers represent the year in which the Eagle Scout earned their award. The word “Life” marks lifetime membership in the National Eagle Scout Association.

DSA – NESA Distinguished Service Awardee
DESA – Distinguished Eagle Scout Awardee
ESSPY – Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year Awardee
NOESA – NESA Outstanding Eagle Scout Awardee