Eagle Scout Medal

Eagles Nest
Golden Gate Area Council

Welcome to the Eagle's Nest

If you have an item that you think should be include, please send it to [email protected].

New Eagle Checklist

New Eagle Scout News

Summer of Service Logo

Summer of Service

Join Scouting families across the country in a spirited Summer of Service! As we have throughout our history, Scouting families are answering the call to work together in service of the greater good. From public health drives, to caring for the environment, to assisting neighbors in need, Scouts have always been a force for positivity and goodness in our communities. Now more than ever, our world needs that Scouting spirit once again. Let’s step up! Together, we can answer the call to make a positive impact in our neighborhoods and communities. Join us today, with projects big or small, in a Summer of Service!

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Join National Eagle Scout Association

NESA helps Eagle Scouts:

  • Connect with other Eagle Scouts
  • Serve their community
  • Learn new things and continue to find adventure
  • Give back to Scouts who are currently on the Trail to Eagle
  • Follow the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives
National Eagle Scout Association Logo

Plan a Court of Honor

Just as your unit would have a Court of Honor for other ranks and awards, there should be a special Eagle Scout Court of Honor for new Eagles.  Some Courts of Honor are done for a single scout, while some are done with multiple scouts.


Eagle Scout Award Suggested Ceremonies Compiled by NESA
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Glenn and Melinda Adams Service Project of the Year

The National Eagle Scout Association established the Glenn A. and Melinda W. Adams national Eagle Scout service project of the year award (ESSPY) to recognize valuable service of an exceptional nature by an Eagle Scout candidate to a religious institution, a school, community or other entity through completion of an Eagle Scout project.

Eagle Awards Medal

Eagle Scout Recognitions & Swag

Scout Shop
Official Retailer of the BSA. Visit scoutshop.org
NESA Store (nesastore.org)
The NESA Store is run by volunteers on behalf of NESA. The items for sale include patches, belt buckles, challenge coins, books and other items. Some of the items are reserved for Lifetime Members of NESA. All products are for the use of our members or for gifts to Eagle scouts or for awards. Visit nesastore.org