Eagle Scout Medal

Eagles Nest
Golden Gate Area Council

Eagle Scout | Spotlight

Eagle Scout Spotlight is a weekly blog post highlighting individuals who have achieved the rank of Eagle Scout. Eagles are given a set of prepared questions in writing and they respond to them as they see fit.  Responses may be edited for spelling mistakes, but they are the words and thoughts of each Eagle Scout.

Do you know of an Eagle Scout that should be spotlighted or have a question you want to ask future spotlights?  Visit our request form to share.

Spotlight: Calvin Masuda

Eagle Scouts Derek Masuda [2005] and Calvin Masuda [1973; NOESA 2011] at Wente Scout Reservation

Our first Eagle Scout Spotlight is on the Golden Gate Area Council’s NESA Committee’s Chair Calvin Masuda. Calvin earned his Eagle in 1973 and was recognized as an Outstanding Eagle Scout in 2011. He spent most of his time in the Twin Valley district, working with Pack 916, Troop 941, and multiple Crews along with holding numerous district and council positions. He is currently GGAC’s NESA committee chair and Deputy Council Commissioner.

“So, we as Eagles are always being watched and need to be mindful of what is expected of us all the time.”

Calvin Masuda

Are you a recipient of the Distinguished Eagle Scout Award, NESA Outstanding Eagle Scout Award, NESA Distinguished Service Award, or Adams Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year Award, or a member of the NESA Legacy Society?

National Outstanding Eagle Scout Award (1st received in San Francisco Bay Area Council). Received 2011.

Eagle Fact:
In April, 2020, the San Francisco Bay Area Council merged with the Alameda, and Mt. Diablo Silverado Councils to form the Golden Gate Area Council.

Are there other Scouting or Non-Scouting awards or recognitions you would like to mention?

  • National Outstanding Eagle Scout Award
  • Silver Beaver
  • Scoutmaster Award of Merit
  • District Award of Merit
  • Twin Valley District Cubmaster of the Year
  • Venture Crew Advisor of the Year
  • Venturing Leadership Award
  • Cub Trainer WoodBadge (Fox)
  • Woodbadge Staff
  • Boy Scout WoodBadge (Eagle)
  • Order of the Arrow Brotherhood
  • Society of Asian Scientist and Engineers Leadership Award
Calvin with Distinguished Eagle Scout Rick Pickering in 2012.

Tell us a little bit about you…

Residence: Pleasanton, Calif
Family – Wife, Kathy. Two married sons. Derek – Manager at Sales Force; Nathan – Mechanical Engineer at PG&E
Grew up in the Central Valley, farming Peaches and Almonds
Attended California State University, Fresno – Graduated with a B.S. in Electrical Engineering
Work: Lockheed Martin Space as an Engineering Manager overseeing Mission Operations for Satellites and Missiles

Got back into scouting when my sons joined Tiger Cubs as part of the Screaming 916 Pack and became Cubmaster. Was part of the founders and Scoutmaster for Pleasanton Troop 941. My son Derek received his Eagle in 2005. Have lead three treks to Philmont and Diving at Florida Sea Base, and was Assistant Scoutmaster to 2001 National Jamboree. Have been district and council training chair, as well as WoodBadge Staff. I most recently was the Council Commissioner for the Legacy San Francisco Bay Area Council and am currently the Golden Gate Area Council Deputy Council Commissioner and Council NESA Chair.

When and where do you earn your Eagle Scout?

Eagle Rank Earned: 10 Sept 1973, Troop 32 Ballico, California, El Capitan District, Yosemite Area Council
Age: 16 years old

Eagle Fact:
from 1972-1979 eagle candidates were required to earn 24 merit badges. 10 of them were “Eagle Required”: Citizenship in the Community, Citizenship in the Nation, Citizenship in the World, Communications, Environmental Science, Emergency Preparedness OR Lifesaving, First Aid, Personal Fitness OR Swimming OR Sports, Personal Management, Safety.

What did you do for your Eagle Project?

My Eagle project was to create an Elementary School Summer Freestyle Wrestling program for grades 1st – 8th Grade. This was a full 3 month summer project consisting of organized weekly coaching/training, obtaining uniforms, wrestling mats and coordinating attendance to multiple tournaments throughout the summer.

Did you have a favorite merit badge(s)? Did any merit badges(s) lead to a hobby or profession?

My favorite was Woodcarving. My electronics merit badge supported my eventual profession as an Electrical Engineer.

Do you recall an experience or situation that being or becoming an Eagle Scout aided you in?

My Eagle Scout experience comes up all the time. It has helped me know that given enough planning, motivation and desire, you can achieve what may have seemed unreachable.

One thing that I ask myself and used to share with my scouts during their scoutmaster conference and during a past Eagle Recognition event, is to ask of yourself as you start your day, “I will be trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean and Reverent?”; Then, as the end of the day as your coming home from work or school, as the question, “Was I Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean and Reverent?”; I am sure you will find, just I do that there is always improvements and opportunities to do better.

Calvin at Philmont in 2003

What is the greatest personal asset you developed while earning your Eagle Scout or from being an Eagle in the greater community? How has this asset contributed towards personal fulfillment and success in your professional or personal life?

A story I have shared many times as a Scoutmaster to Eagle Candidates, goes like this….

If you were playing in a soccer game and I said that there is an opponent on the field who is an Eagle Scout, who do you think it is? Not knowing the player on the opposing team, what characteristics would you look for? (you fill in the blanks…). Now, if the opposing coach ask the same question of his team about our team, do you think they would pick you? The key message here is that it is not just the badges, awards and service project that make an Eagle Scout, it is what people see and how you act, talk and engage with others that seems put you in a little different category that can be seen from afar. So, we as Eagles are always being watched and need to be mindful of what is expected of us all the time. Once an Eagle, Always an Eagle!

If you could add a thirteenth point to the scout law, what would it be?

A Thirteenth Point could be: “Selfless”.

Is there anything else you would like to share with the readers?

As Eagle Scouts, I hope we can always focus on what best for others and not just for ourselves… it’s We; and not Me, that Eagles need to consider in our daily lives and in all we do.

Eagle Service Project Map

Have you completed an Eagle Service Project in the GGAC or one of it’s legacy councils?

Eagle Service Project Map

Coming Soon: Eagle Mentoring Panels

GGAC NESA Committee will host one-hour virtual panel / mentoring discussions to connect new Eagle Scouts, and Star and Life scouts, with industry leaders and older Eagle Scouts. Stay tuned for me details.

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